莎喲娜啦!Richmond (81)
我們將在11月6日離開溫哥華先到西雅圖,然後租車一路南下前往美西奧林匹克、紅木及優勝美地國家公園(Olympic NP, Redwood NP, Yosemite NP)等地區參訪,11月15日再到San Francisco飛返台灣,預計11月16日上午約6點抵達中正機場。今天是我們在UBC課程的最後一天,也是在加拿大雁之家民宿的二個月的最後一夜,我跟Hank & Vivian把臂入杯閒聊到隔日凌晨一點半。Hank & Vivian的親切與熱情,讓我旅途驛動的心找到友誼交流的車站;三個聰明可愛又貼心的小寶貝,讓我漂泊異鄉的情,覓得停泊歇息的處所。在加拿大雁之家民宿的二個月(7th Sept.-6th Nov.),不長也不短,但家中其樂融融、伉儷情深與濃郁密切的親子關係,讓我體會到真正的『甜蜜家庭』的感覺,這裡是我三個月出國研習行程中最溫馨的家,也是我心靈深處永遠的家。
To Respond Tina
Dear Tina,
Thank you for your deep thought and rich philosophy!
We finished the courses of P3s on Friday, 5th Nov. Definitely, I really tried to do my best to get global view, local through and deep thought. The trip made a big change in my life. As you know, when we face troubles in our life, the sustain belief could help us to overcome many hardships. I think you are not only a smart girl but also intelligent woman. So, I am very appreciated for your good advices. Anyway, I hope you can enjoy working at WRA. Specially, you participated my division since two years ago. It had made a great progress in project management, because you engaged in working and contributed to our department so for well.
In the past three months, I concerned that every one could do something well than before and you proved that you could be well done. Additionally, the most important thing is preparations are successful factor which we do anything. Maybe, I were not good at leading, there are many knowledge or wisdom to learn. I do believe the trip will be a special experience about living and studying overseas. I treasure the opportunity and take the most advantage of time to live. I took many pictures in my trip, and then I will share with you. Finally, take care and God bless you. Seeing you soon.
Best regards,
Searn Lai
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