悠遊美加My days in USA & Canada

奉派參加行政院公共工程委員會「九十三年度促進民間參與公共建設出國研習訓練」,地點在美加地區,主要研習訓練學校為University of British Columbia Vancouver, Canada.,出國期間自8月16日至11月16日止,為期三個月。此行,主要目的在蒐集促參制度及規劃評估相關資料,並參訪美加地區民間參與基礎建設案例。【悠遊美加】是這三個月出國期間的遊學雜記。

Friday, October 08, 2004

Partnerships British Columbia and Gail (54)

Vist Partnerships British Columbia

正式拜會加拿大卑詩省政府與民間夥伴關係公司(Partnerships British Columbia ),是我們此行研習「促進民間參與公共建設計畫」案最重要的參訪行程之一。這家公司隸屬於BC省政府,是該府為了推動民間參與政府公共建設計畫依據加拿大公司法所成立的事業單位,扮演省府推動政府與民間夥伴關係(public-private partnerships,簡稱P3s)的單一窗口及政府代理人的角色,該公司的功能包括建立及執行BC省轄之政府與民間夥伴關係、引導政府採購技術的研發創新改革、整合推動公私部門公共建設計畫,主要的核心任務如下:

  1. 提供政府公共建設計畫管理建議服務,增進政府部門資產價值,發展政府與民間夥伴關係。
  2. 透過專業知識、技術及實務經驗,醞釀民間參與公共建設計畫之商機,及有利於P3s政策發展的環境。
  3. 有效管理及引導周邊相關組織單位,增進公共建設計畫預期效益及組織績效。

Partnerships British Columbia英文簡介

Partnerships BC serves the public interest by structuring and implementing public private partnerships. The company is committed to commercial viability, transparent operations, and to achieving wide recognition for its innovation, leadership and expertise in public procurement.

With a strong mandate to promote, enable and help implement public private partnerships in British Columbia, Partnerships BC will move forward with new ideas for infrastructure projects that combine the best of private sector innovation with public sector stewardship.

Partnerships British Columbia is a company responsible for bringing together ministries, agencies and the private sector to develop projects through public-private partnerships (P3s). As a company registered under the Company Act, Partnerships BC is wholly owned by the Province of British Columbia and reports to its shareholder the Minister of Finance.

Our mission at Partnerships BC is to become a commercially viable company that serves the public interest and is recognized by clients and worldwide for our innovation, leadership and expertise in public private partnerships.Partnerships BC’s core business is to:

  1. Provide specialized services, ranging from advice to project leadership/management, to government and its agencies with respect to identifying opportunities for maximizing the value of public capital assets and developing public private partnerships;
  2. Foster a business and policy environment for successful P3s and related activities by offering a centralized source of knowledge, understanding, expertise and practical experience in these areas; and
  3. Manage an efficient and leading edge organization that meets or exceeds performance expectations.

The company’s clients are public sector agencies, including ministries and Crown corporations. To serve these clients effectively, Partnerships BC is also working to build strong relationships with private sector partners such as businesses, investors and the financial services sector.
The company’s organization, staffing and governance reflect and support this meshing of public and private sector interests. Partnerships BC has offices based in both Vancouver and Victoria to effectively meet the needs of partners in both sectors.

ESL Teacher : Gail S. Kenner

晚上,在我們民宿的家宴請英文老師Gail及其夫婿Racks,除了感謝她的細心教導外,並分享我們自8月16日迄今一路走來有關促參研習參訪行程的數位照片。Gail博學多聞,有七個碩士學位的她,堪稱是我們的百科全書,是溫哥華自然歷史學會(Vancouver Natural History Society)的資深會員,長期關注研究溫哥華地區的自然生態保育及社會議題。她的夫婿Racks是研究BC省蜻蜓(dragonfly)的專家,曾任UBC脊椎動物博物館長,與Gail都是愛鳥一族,長期以來一直熱愛賞鳥活動,喜歡在大自然中動手動腳找東西,研究並發現新奇的事務。夫婦倆是朋友們口中力行勤儉樸素的典範,更是信奉生活極簡主義者,不喜歡奢華浪費的生活習性,從他們夫婦倆前來Richmond民宿之間十餘公里的路程,還是以搭乘公車方式就可看出他們隨遇而安的個性。這夜,與他們討論環保議題,分享旅行經驗,談談Racks研究蜻蜓的工作,聊聊賞鳥心得,以及他們在台灣旅遊的趣事等等,除了增廣見聞外,也學了不少英文單字,當然,我們逮到了絕佳的機會可以練習英文的表達,那才是我們最大的收穫哩!


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